Cat Supplements – Quick Start Guide

Welcome to Cat Supplements Dot Org!

We are an organization dedicated to research, analysis and reviews of cat supplements.

Why? Because there are a lot of bad products on the market. In fact, there have been for years.

And while we can’t control the actions of bad manufacturers, we can help to steer you towards the safest, most effective health products for your best furry friend(s).

What are Cat Supplements?

Generally, these are products that you can use to support your cat’s overall health and well-being in many ways.

Separate from cat drugs for disease treatment that you may only buy with a veterinarian’s prescription, cat supplements are widely accessible.

The ultimate goal of these products is to help your feline friend(s) to live a happier, healthier and longer life.

The cat supplement landscape has changed a LOT in recent years. There are more products, more manufacturers, and more confusion than ever before.

  • CatSupplements.Org is here to help by recommending some of the best cat health products on the market.

But first, let’s talk a little bit about how these various nutrients work, and what they can offer to you and your pet.

Cat Supplement Categories

All combined, these supplements have the potential to help your cat live a long, healthy and happy life.

As with humans, when it comes to nutritional supplementation for cats, prevention is always better than treatment.

The goal is to maintain your cat’s existing health and happiness, for as long as you can.

There are a lot of supplements that can help with this goal, and a lot of different categories relating to your cat’s well-being.

Here are some of the most popular product categories:

Vitamins, Minerals & Multivitamins

Worried about nutritional deficiencies in your cat? That’s good. But, it might not be good enough for truly vibrant cat health.

Researchers have noted nutrient intake that is low, but not quite deficient—may still be a risk factor for a wide range of health issues.

Low vitamin and mineral levels may be more common as cats get older. This is partly attributed to their digestion system working less efficiently with age.

Cat vitamins, minerals and multivitamin supplements are usually designed as powders or liquids. They may be flavored to make it easier to give to your cat.  They also come in pills and capsules.

Some multivitamin-like cat food additives are also available. They are used to help fortify your cat’s chow with essential nutrients.

Food additives may benefit those who make homemade food for their cats, too. More on that further down the page.

In general, a daily multivitamin is a good starting point for supporting your cat’s overall health and well-being.

Digestive Health

Probiotics for Cats

Probiotics are helpful microorganisms (also called “friendly flora”) that colonize the intestines of both you and your cat.

There are 400+ different strains of probiotic strains  that comprise a colony in your cat. The whole colony is known as the cat microbiome. For overall health, you want that colony to thrive.

When your cat has a robust, healthy microbiome, it enjoys several key health benefits:

  • Nutrient metabolism
  • Immune performance
  • Overall gut health
While there is no research in felines yet, it may be worth noting that in humans, probiotics support the gut-brain axis and help with a bright, balanced and healthy mood.

Fiber and Prebiotics for cats

Fiber and prebiotics are indigestible fibers that “feed” the friendly flora in your gut.

They are multitasking supplements for your cat’s digestive health, helping to:

  • Feed the good bacteria in your cat’s GI tract
  • Bulk stools for easy and comfortable pooping
  • Play a role in regulating blood sugar levels for diabetes
  • Help with diarrhea, constipation and digestive problems
  • Help with losing weight and weight management

Digestive Enzymes

Without digestive enzymes, cat food is harder to break down, which can lead to less nutrition, lower energy and even immune problems.

Cats with low enzymes also experience gas, constipation, bloating and indigestion.

  • Cat digestive enzyme supplements may include: Papain, bromelain, amylase, lipase and others.

Hairball Supplements

Tired of cleaning up hairballs? Or maybe you don’t mind cleaning up hairballs but just want your cat to be more comfortable.

Either way, there are natural supplements for hairballs on the market that can be helpful in minimizing those problems.

Allergy & Immune System

L-Lysine is the most popular cat supplement for allergic kitties. But it’s not the only one.

Your cat may get allergies when her immune system overreacts to simple irritants.

The histamine release that follows leads to allergy symptoms such as:

  • Eye discomfort; discharge and tears
  • Scratchy throat; hoarse meows
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing

In cases of severe allergies, symptoms including respiratory issues may occur in your cat. These issues require immediate attention from a qualified veterinarian.

But in mild allergic issues, cat supplements can be a good starting point for helping your feline friend to breathe easy.

Cat Immune System Defenses

Beyond allergies, your cat’s immune system helps to protect her against pathogens  that can make her sick.

This is especially true of indoor/outdoor cats who may come into contact with pathogens from other animals.

  • Of particular concern is feline herpes virus (FHV-1), which passes easily from cat to cat.

Nutrients supplied in supplements for your cat’s allergies and immune health include:

  • L-Lysine
  • Omega-3s
  • Beta glucans
  • Mushrooms
  • Echinacea

Read our Best Cat Allergy and Immune Supplements Guide

Hyperthyroid & Hypothyroid

Thyroid problems are common in cats as they grow older. Both cat hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are manageable with medication.

There are some supplements that can help with both of these hormonal issues as well. Typically they focus on healthy weight maintenance, mood balance, hydration and more.

Some nutrients in the cat thyroid supplement category include:

Cat Hyperthyroid Supplements

  • L-Carnitine
  • Lemon Balm
  • Turmeric

Cat Hypothyroid Supplements

Skin, Coat & Claws

Many cats have skin problems related to dandruff, flaking, scaling, rashes and patches.

And as an owner, you know just how uncomfortable it can be as you watch your furry feline friend scratching in discomfort.

Cat Skin problems caused by allergies are best addressed at the source: removE the allergen.

But for extra reinforcement, as well as in other dermatitis related skin problems and general skin irritation, there are many supplements that can help to ease the itching and make your cat more comfortable.

Some supplements for cats skin will naturally help with coat health, too.

And, like humans there are certain vitamins – namely, biotin – that can help to keep hair soft, lustrous and healthy.

If your feline is getting ready for the cover of Cat Fancy magazine, there are also lots of natural shampoos, conditioners, and creams that can keep your cat looking and feeling her best about her hair.

If your cat has problems with brittle claws, cat supplements can help. Biotin, collagen, protein and MSM can all help to support strong, healthy claws.

Brain Health and Cognition

Quality of life depends on the brain. It doesn’t matter if you’re a cat, a human, a dolphin or a whale.

Just like with us humans, as the cat grows older her brain becomes less efficient.

Age-related cognitive and brain health problems can have a big negative impact on your cat’s quality of life.

It can lead to depression, anxiety, confusion, and otherwise your cat just not feeling herself and not enjoying every single day like he deserves.

Cat supplements for cognitive support are increasingly popular these days, mirroring the nootropic supplement boom in their human companions.

Brain supplements for cats, and many varieties and forms, with some offering additional benefits for the central nervous system and other aspects of your cat’s overall health.

Some of the supplements in this category include:

  • Fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids
  • Turmeric
  • Phosphatidylserine (PS)
  • CoQ10
  • Ginkgo Biloba
Brain supplements uniquely have the potential to enhance your cat’s overall quality of life in a lot of different ways.
That’s Indiana Jones: He’s one smart cat! The next cat supplement is also good for brain health: Omega-3s.

Fish Oils & Omega 3s

Fish oils include Omega-3 fatty acids. These are “Good fats” which help to balance the “bad fats” in your diet. They include ALA, EPA and DHA.

Fish oils and omega-3 supplements for cats have many benefits:

  • Immune function
  • Soothe itchy skin
  • Circulation/blood flow
  • Overall heart health
  • Joint health and comfort
  • Cognitive function

The above benefits reflect the extensive research on Omega-3 fatty acids for overall health.

And besides, Omega-3 supplements for cats just make sense. Cats love to eat fish!

Joints, Bones & Teeth

Keeping your cat’s skeletal system health in tip-top shape is key for energized play, delicious snacking and quality of life that lasts as long as your cat.

Joint Health

Joint health is one of the most popular cat supplement categories. As a cat owner, you already know why.

When you watch your cat stretch, pounce, leap, cuddle and climb, it all depends on healthy joints.

Mobility and flexibility is essential for our feline friends. But, just like their owners, cats can develop arthritis and get slowed down by joint pain and stiffness. Mobility problems 10 to increase with age.

There are several effective supplements for cat joint health. And, the best of them are natural, research-backed, and they just kind of makes sense.

some of the best joint supplement ingredients for cats include:

Cat SupplementJoint Benefit
GlucosamineGlucosamine is the most common joint supplement for cats. It is a building block that is used to nourish cartilage, joint lubricating hyaluronic acid, and connective tissues.
ChondroitinJoint building block attracts water like a magnet, so its presence in connective tissue like cartilage helps to keep it plump and cushy.
MSMOrganic sulfur that is present in all biological life. In the context of joint health, it is used as a building block in the formation of connective tissues.
Omega-3sRegulates immune responses, helping to fight joint inflammation and keep your cat comfortable
TurmericNatural anti-inflammatory that can help to soothe joints and connective tissue
Cat's ClawBesides the great name, this herb may help with feline arthritis pain
Hyaluronic AcidForms joint-lubricating synovial fluid that keeps your cat moving smoothly
Joint supplements help your cat have a nice stretch!
Cat supplements for joints can help with the flexibility all felines need.
Healthy joints feel goooood for your cat.

Bone health

Cats’ bones can be supported with some of the same vitamins and minerals as we humans take in supplements. They include

Dental Care

When it comes to your kitty’s razor-sharp fangs, the above list of bone nutrients serve the same purpose: Keeping that enamel strong and healthy.

In addition, there are many toothpastes, toothbrushes, treats, toys and foods that can help with dental care in your cat.

Urinary & Kidney Health

Natural kidney supplements for cats are a great way to support renal function, cleansing and general urinary tract health.

Feline supplements for the urinary tract include many traditional herbal remedies that have been used by humans for a long time to support kidney health, comfortable flow and more.

Some of the best ingredients for cat urinary and kidney supplements include:

  • Horsetail extract: Native American kidney tonic shown in some modern research to gently flush the urinary tract.
  • Pumpkin Seed: Supports kidney and bladder health, including some aspects like urinary tract function and bladder control
  • Cranberry: Possibly the most famous remedy. Supplies fruit antioxidants;fights kidney stones and urinary tract infections
  • Dandelion: A natural diuretic that may fight kidney  stone formation, as well as supporting comfortable urinary flow
  • Uva Ursi: “Bearberry”, it is a traditional herb that flushes the kidneys, promotes comfort and may even help with UTI’s

Cat Liver Health

The liver is a critical multitasker for your cat’s overall health, helping with detoxification, digestion, metabolism, blood cell creation, hormone production and more.

Herbs are popularly used in cat supplements for liver health, and may include:

  • Artichoke: Protects liver cells, helps bile production (in rats, maybe in cats too?), stimulates liver regeneration; a good detoxifier
  • Milk Thistle: Ancient wellness botanical, helps to optimize liver function in cats while supporting liver regeneration

Cat Food Supplements

Protein for cats

Protein supplements are mainly used to provide energy and building blocks for muscle.

In the context of cats, protein supplements are typically used to maintain lean muscle mass. This benefit usually helps senior cats. As cats age, they tend to lose muscle (called sarcopenia).

If you prefer a chonky cat, make sure your feline friend gets enough protein, especially as she matures.

  • But really, cats of all ages (especially KITTENS!) can benefit from high quality protein supplements.

Protein supplies essential amino acids that support overall cat health, beyond just muscle.

Protein supplements can also give owners greater control of the protein quality in their cats’ diet.

weight gain supplements for cats

Just like us human bodybuilders, cats can benefit from the muscle-building benefits associated with quality protein intake.


Nutritional Supplements for Homemade cat Food

Kudos to you if you are a Parent making homemade food for your fur babies. With this approach, you always have control over the quality of ingredients that you are feeding to your cat.

As homemade cat food rises in popularity, more and more cat parents are choosing to add nutrient fortifications to their creation.

These supplements usually taste good. And, they can help to ensure that your homemade cat food meals are as nutritious as they are delicious.

Sleep and Calming

If you have an anxious, depressed, or sleepless kitty, you’re in luck:

  • The behavioral category of supplements is one of the most effective, with a lot of great natural herbs and gentle  nutrients that can help your cat to chill out.

Some of the best cat supplements for anxiety, depression and sleep include:

  • Melatonin: A sleep hormone that regulates circadian rhythm, melatonin has been extensively researched for its ability to safely support high quality sleep.
  • Valerian Root: This famous relaxation herb has been used for centuries. Beyond its chill-out effect, valerian is a useful natural sleep supplement.
  • Passion Flower: Another legendary chill-out herb, passion flower helps with restlessness as a natural sedative, which may also account for its association with a great night’s sleep.
  • Hops: No, you can’t give your cat a beer. But yes, you can give your cat a key ingredient in beer: Hops. As a cat supplement, hops exerts calming, soothing effects. May also help sleep.
  • GABA: This neurotransmitter influences the nervous system in cats, helping all nerves to “settle down”. GABA is associated with relaxation and slumber benefits.
  • 5-HTP: A calming amino acid, 5-hydroxytryptophan is involved in the brain chemical cascade that includes soothing serotonin and restful sleep.
  • St. John’s Wort: The most famous depression herb, St. John’s Wort is an option for cat parents with moody fur babies who don’t want to go the synthetic antidepressant drug route.
  • L-Theanine: This natural amino acid is found in green tea, and is associated with the beverage’s soothing, clarifying effects. L-Theanine is also good for supporting sleep quality.

Senior Cat Supplements

Senior cats can benefit from many of the supplement categories that we have already mentioned. This is especially true of joint health, brain health, and multivitamin supplements for cats.

  • But one aspect of supplements we have not discussed yet, and which may be especially helpful for aging cats, is antioxidants.

Antioxidants fight the cell-damaging effects of unstable molecules called free radicals.

Free radicals that bombard your cat’s cells come from toxins, stress, and even simply breathing.

They smash up against healthy cells and cause damage and oxidative stress.

Ultimately, free radicals are believed to contribute to the premature aging of cells in you and your cat.

And that just doesn’t fit with our mission of a long, happy and healthy life for your cat. 

There are a lot of different antioxidant supplements for cats.  The best are natural, organic and herbal antioxidants from fruits, berries and other whole foods.

Cat multivitamins also supply important antioxidants for senior cats, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc.


Also known as catmint, this perennial herb is known for its ability to instill a happy buzz in felines, followed by a blissed-out and sedate state.

You know your cats are loving life when they’ve got the ‘nip.
  • Today, there are more catnip supplements on the market than ever before, including some really great organic brands made to a high standard of quality.

Considering how cats “huff” catnip, it is a good idea to seek out a clean and organic brand. Who knows what kind of pesticides or other toxins may be present in cheap dollar-store catnip.

Supplement Delivery Forms

Tablets and Pills

You know the drill. You buy a supplements and desperately hope that it is small enough and smooth enough to be taken by your kitty without too much of a fuss.

Throughout our product reviews on cat, we will note the size and smoothness of these capsules and pills. This will help you pick out the ones that your cat will take most easily.

Liquid vitamins for cats

Maybe your kitty has got claws when it comes to capsules, tablets and pills. In that case, there are lots of great liquid vitamin options for cat.

Liquid vitamins, supplements and herbal tinctures for cats can be mixed in with other fluids. They can also be administered using an eyedropper.

It isn’t as hard as it sounds to give your cat liquid supplements. Especially if you find the brands that make liquid cat supplements that actually tastes good to cats.

Powder supplements for cats

Powders are a great delivery method for cat supplements. That is, as long as they either taste good or neutral to your cat. Powders are typically sprinkled on top of your cat’s existing food and mixed in, hopefully unnoticed.

Are Cat Supplements Safe?

It depends. One of the reasons that CatSupplements.Org exists is to help consumers find the safest possible supplements for their cats.

Unfortunately, like the human dietary supplements market, feline supplements are very lightly regulated.

There are a lot of bad actors in the industry. The bad apples supply the cheapest, dirtiest, lowest possible quality cat nutritional supplement ingredients.

Even more disturbing is the pattern of toxin-induced injury or death in cats and dogs, which have been traced back to some unsafe ingredients that were sourced in China.

When supplements are given to your cat under the supervision of your veterinarian, and with a lot of research and monitoring (and love!), these products are safe.

However, when you find the right cat supplements, they can be safe and effective. You can use them to help your cat enjoy a long, healthy and happy life.

Are There Side Effects?

We cat owners know how unique in personality our feline friends can be. The same goes for how they respond to cat supplements.

You never know exactly what kind of individual sensitivities and side effects your cat may experience when taking herbs, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fish oils and other supplements.

It is important to keep a close eye on your cat throughout the early stages of supplementation especially. In particular, watch for any changes that might indicate sensitivities to supplement ingredients.

Cat supplement side effects do exist.

That’s why it is also always the best policy to administer supplements under your veterinarian’s supervision.

Clean-label, high-quality cat formulas are also key for safety and tolerability.

The cleaner and purer the supplement, the less risk of triggering unpleasant side effects for your cat.

We will cover this topic of cat supplement quality in great detail on cat

Where to Buy Cat Supplements

Cat formulas of all types are extremely popular these days. You know what else is extremely popular these days? Online shopping.

That’s right, online shopping is one of the greatest ways to get all sorts of products for your cat right now. Including supplements.

There is always a bigger selection than what you will find at even the biggest of box stores for pets.

Also, online shopping gives you the flexibility to compare and contrast cat supplements from several different retailers. You  even find the best price.

Coupons, offers and deals abound for various cat formulas. When you shop intelligently online, quality supplements for your cat can be quite affordable.

And of course, shopping for cat supplements online allows you to read all of the great product research, reviews, and recommendations right here on Cat Supplements Dot Org!

If you go the brick-and-mortar retail route, there are plenty of great options. Big-box stores, drug stores, and even super markets are places to buy cat supplements.

However, whatever you do, never buy cat supplements at dollar stores.

We are going to devote an entire article to this topic someday. However, the point may already be self-explanatory to persnickety pet parents.

Real Cat Supplement Reviews

Does anybody believe Amazon reviews anymore?

Really, it goes for so many different online stores, too. It is hard to take some review seriously because so many are obviously shills.

Finding trustworthy reviews gets even more complicated when it comes to health products for cats.

That’s because our kitties can’t really tell us if they are feeling better.

Therefore, reviews of cat supplements that involve us “observing our pets” are weak. Just anecdotal observations only. Hardly a reliable indicator of a supplement’s efficacy.

Cat supplements dot Org takes a different approach to reviewing cat health products.

Instead of guessing, we do a deep analysis of the supplement’s ingredients,  dosage, and even the cleanliness of the label.

Along the way, we ask dozens of questions, including:

  • Are there artificial flavors, colors, and other additives in the supplement?
  • Do we see low-quality nutrient forms that may be harmful to your cat?
  • Do the supplement ingredients have a lot of good research?
  • Are the supplement ingredients safe for cats?
  • Do the ingredients appear to be presented in the right dosages?
  • What about the right nutrient combinations, for the best benefits?

At CatSupplements.Org, we strive to bring credible, accurate and actionable answers to all these cat supplement questions.

So instead of some phony-baloney review about how a cat seems better, we give you well-researched reviews on  supplements so you can safely and naturally help your best friend’s health and quality of life.

We strive to bring your cats only the smartest, cleanest, healthiest and most effective supplements.

It’s the whole reason we exist here at CatSupplements.Org: To help you find the very best for your cat, within your budget.

All so that your cats can live the longest, healthiest and happiest lives possible.